How to Make Friends at Camp

Going to camp is a great way for kids to make new friends and develop important social skills. However, making friends isn’t always easy.

That’s why it’s important to know what you should and shouldn’t do when making friends at camp.

Let’s take a look.

1. Do: Be Open-Minded

It can be intimidating meeting new people, especially if you don’t have many similar interests or hobbies. But it’s important to remain open-minded when trying to make friends at camp.

Everyone is unique and has something special that they can bring to the friendship, so try not to be judgmental or dismissive of someone just because they don’t share your same interests.

2. Do: Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to start conversations with potential friends at camp. Not only will this help break the ice, but it also shows that you are interested in getting to know the other person better.

Don’t be afraid to ask about their interests and hobbies – this will give you more topics of conversation and provide insight into who they really are as a person.

3. Don’t: Brag About Your Achievements

While there is nothing wrong with celebrating your accomplishments, bragging can turn people off quickly.

Instead of talking about yourself too much, focus on getting to know the other person. This will show them that you care about them as an individual, rather than just as a means for boosting your own ego.


Making friends at camp doesn’t have to be difficult! As long as you stay open-minded, ask questions, and avoid bragging about yourself too much, you’ll find that connecting with other campers comes naturally in no time. Good luck!

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